Bowen Absorbing Man Bust (2005) – Damaged!

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This is not my original bust – I still have that one tucked away in the Hulk room – but my friend called me to inform me that he came into possession of this damaged bust and was curious if I wanted it. He told me that it wasn’t broken but instead faded from the sun. I couldn’t wait to see what that actually meant!

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What I received was the one pictured here – but I am not sure it was all just sun damage – as the box was completely destroyed by water. You can even tell it has some water damage as the chain that connects stone ball is rusted a bit.

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But I think it’s makes the figure look all that much cooler! The faded aspect completely fits into the character and makes the character look as though he’s just mid-transformation! Crusher Creel looks as though he’s just changing into or from glass. With the stone piece still there and almost not changed it makes the bust look like it’s changing in 3 different places.

What do you guys think?

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Published by ratchet

I am a man. I like the world I live in. I would like it better if pumpkins were available year-round though...

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