In Case You Missed It… 45

M.O.D.O.K. is finally ending. What started off as a fun but silly mini-series turned into a just plain silly and dumb mini. Issue #3 with Gwenpool was especially bad. It’s too bad too because I really like and respect Patton Oswald. But in the final issue the first page features a quick history of theContinue reading “In Case You Missed It… 45”

Large Hulk Zombie Funko Pop! (2020)

Late last year WalMart sort of surprised everyone with large versions of their popular Marvel Zombie line. While I was sort of excited I also wonder why waste the opportunity. Funko could’ve released the Original sculpts in the oversized format and I think people would’ve went gaga over them! I mean, these aren’t bad inContinue reading “Large Hulk Zombie Funko Pop! (2020)”

The Good, the Bland and the Ugly: The Immortal Hulk #46 (2021)

Writer: Al Ewing Artists: Joe Bennet Artist: Inker Ruy Jose Belardino Brabo Cover Price: Secondary Market: $3.99 $9.99 – $15.99 Variants: 2 Regular Cover Homage Variant Publisher: Marvel Comics Never give them a round two… this is the advice I would’ve given to the U-Foes, but to be fair, they did beat the Hulk untilContinue reading “The Good, the Bland and the Ugly: The Immortal Hulk #46 (2021)”

Maestro: War and Pax Poster (2021)

Thank goodness I snagged this poster and it wasn’t for the other, previous series. War and Pax has continued to be everything you would want in a Maestro mini-series – with 2 issues left I can’t wait to see how it ends! This poster features the amazing art of Dale Keown featured on the veryContinue reading “Maestro: War and Pax Poster (2021)”

The Good, The Bland and the Ugly: The Immortal Hulk #45 (2021)

Writer: Al Ewing Artists: Joe Bennet Artist: Inker Ruy Jose Belardino Brabo Cover Price: Secondary Market: $3.99 $9.99 – $15.99 Variants: 4 Regular Cover Liefeld Variant (Unfortunately) Homage Variant Heroes Reborn Variant Publisher: Marvel Comics It’s good to see Betty is still taking the time to take in the sights while her friend boozes itContinue reading “The Good, The Bland and the Ugly: The Immortal Hulk #45 (2021)”