Avengers Hulk Mechstrike

This Hasbro release was not only a surprise but also a welcome addition to the collection. While it’s not exactly a premium figure it still has a completely classic look and not a half bad sculpt! Within the full line the Hulk is one of the bulkiest figures, thankfully, and a little more than betterContinue reading “Avengers Hulk Mechstrike”

The Good The Bland The Ugly: Avengers #1 (2021)

Writer: Donny Cates Artists: Ryan Ottley Artist: Inker Frank Martin Cover Price: Secondary Market: FREE $3.50 – $5.00 Variants: 1 Regular Cover (Above) Publisher: Marvel Comics The Hulk story is pretty awesome! M.O.D.O.K. is readying his troops – that is until they get interrupted by the evening train, coming SMASHING through the wall! The HulkContinue reading “The Good The Bland The Ugly: Avengers #1 (2021)”

Funko Pop Marvel Zombies She Hulk #792 (2021)

Hot Topic seems to be releasing quite a few pretty in demand exclusives. The good thing is that they seem to be easy to acquire… if they aren’t a chase. Let’s not discuss the Red Hulk Chase yet… I’m just not ready to re-visit that aggravation again. Thankfully there is no Chase for this PopContinue reading “Funko Pop Marvel Zombies She Hulk #792 (2021)”

A Year’s Worth of Hulk Transformations – Week 34

Anyone fighting the Hulk should recognize when the fight is over – you have exactly .00001 seconds where you could possibly try to knock Banner out before he Hulks out – but once it happens there’s no going back! It’s like trying to toothpaste back into the tube! It just ain’t going to happen!

The Good, The Bland, The Ugly: The Immortal Hulk #49 (2021)

Writer: Al Ewing Artists: Joe Bennet Artist: Inker Ruy Jose Belardino Brabo Cover Price: Secondary Market: $3.99 $2.99 – $59.99 Variants: 4 Regular Cover Homage Variant AAIPH Variant AAIPH Virgin Variant Publisher: Marvel Comics Enjoy this final issue before the final super-sized finale! An issue told through McGee’s thoughts and written prose of the HulkContinue reading “The Good, The Bland, The Ugly: The Immortal Hulk #49 (2021)”

Marvel Legends Savage She Hulk (Green Version) (2021)

When they first released the Fantastic Four line I knew so many collectors who were only really looking forward to the secondary characters like the Doom, the BAF Super Skrull, and of course the Grey She Hulk. The rest of the crew had just been released as exclusives to Walgreens so the regular characters hadContinue reading “Marvel Legends Savage She Hulk (Green Version) (2021)”

A Year’s Worth of Hulk Transformations – Week 32

  The shirt and over coat literally rip to shreds but the pants pretty much just fray around the pant legs. Yeah, that makes sense. I just like how the Hulk goes from all nervous and afraid while falling to downright furious. Can you imagine the thought process? “Oh no! I plummeting to my deathContinue reading “A Year’s Worth of Hulk Transformations – Week 32”

The Good, The Bland, and the Ugly: Gamma Flight #2 (2021)

Writer: Al Ewing Crystal Frasier Artists: Lan Medina Artist: Antonio Fabela Cover Price: Secondary Market: $3.99 $3.59 – $9.99 Variants: 3 Regular Cover Connecting Cover Skottie Young Cover Publisher: Marvel Comics This isn’t going to be a thorough review for a few reasons, the first being that there wasn’t much going on other than theContinue reading “The Good, The Bland, and the Ugly: Gamma Flight #2 (2021)”