Guess That Panel!

I am not one to let a few losses shake me down – so here it is – another round of Guess That Panel with one that I think might actually stump you guys… man, will this be embarrassing if the someone gets it in the first hour that I post it.  But, as always,Continue reading “Guess That Panel!”

Aaron Lopresti World War Hulk Commission (2012)

I just looked through my site and have found that I have perpetrated a huge travesty.  A few years back I was so excited that Aaron Lopresti was gracing us with his presence at the Boston Comic Con – a man who shared the penciling responsibility with Carlo Pagulayah for Planet Hulk!  I, of course,Continue reading “Aaron Lopresti World War Hulk Commission (2012)”

Thanos vs The Hulk #2 (2015) – The Review

The second installment was released a few weeks ago to this mini series and while I appreciate seeing my favorite character facing off against the biggest bad in the Marvel U – this series is seemingly going no where pretty fast.  Let’s get into it, shall we? Thanos vs Hulk #2 (2015) W/A: Jim StarlinContinue reading “Thanos vs The Hulk #2 (2015) – The Review”

Avengers: Age of Ultron Hulk Figure (2015)

I couldn’t believe my luck as I walked into a local shop where there was the new AoU figures!  They aren’t the “official” release ones – the figures I saw are the cheaper, more kid friendly, versions.  I was still excited to snag a Hulk or two.  They seemed to have really cut down onContinue reading “Avengers: Age of Ultron Hulk Figure (2015)”

Matt Fletcher and Chris Uminga BCC Commission (2014)

Here’s the thing – I had the idea for this commission about 3 or 4 years ago.  I hadn’t seen this done yet by anyone and wanted to try to put this together by two talented artists.  But, unfortunately, as I only attend Comic Cons on the least busy day (meaning Sunday) the two artistsContinue reading “Matt Fletcher and Chris Uminga BCC Commission (2014)”

Superhero Adventures Masters of Ka-Pow Hulk (2014)

I miss the Superhero Squad cartoon – it was silly but perfect!  The opening sequence blew away anything that ever happened on Hulk and the Agents of SMASH.  Now that the cartoon seems to be put into pasture the figure line is pretty much defunct – so now we are given more of the SuperheroContinue reading “Superhero Adventures Masters of Ka-Pow Hulk (2014)”

Hulk #10 (2015) – The Review

Hulk #10 W: Duggan A: Bagley When the Red Hulk came on the scene, in the premiere issue in fact, we lost one of the oldest Hulk villains that there ever was.  The Abomination met an untimely end, riddled with bullets from Ross’s over-sized gun.  The biggest chasm that the death left was the HulkContinue reading “Hulk #10 (2015) – The Review”

Read This/Avoid This – Volume 3

Back again for another round!  Two comics (this time two entire series) that you should read – like, right now, and the other to avoid like the plague.  Back in the 90’s Marvel handled series in a few ways and we’re going to explore two very different approaches.  One that I think they handled amazinglyContinue reading “Read This/Avoid This – Volume 3”

Hulk Classics Absorbing Man + Variant (2003)

  Another quick look at the bounty that had befallen me this past weekend – Mike made me aware that there were actually two versions of the Absorbing Man figure from the Hulk Classics line.  I wasn’t aware of this before – the US version had a bulky Hulk arm while the European version herContinue reading “Hulk Classics Absorbing Man + Variant (2003)”

Something Special for a Monday

A lot the best reasons for keeping this blog going is the friends that I have been able to “meet” over the years.  Hulk fanatics like myself who not only like to collect but converse with like-minded fellows who share an affinity for the green goliath.  All stemming from the people who come here toContinue reading “Something Special for a Monday”

Hulk Playing Cards (2014)

When crushing other’s dreams and stealing their hard earned bucks around the poker table make sure to do it with these fantastic Hulk playing cards!  Sure, the images sort of distract you from the suit and card number – so it may be harder to play – but it’s still there!  A full house withContinue reading “Hulk Playing Cards (2014)”