Everything Wrong with 90’s Comics in Two Covers

Who can even remember the 90’s?  It seems like a lifetime ago, doesn’t it?  Actually I remember the 90’s pretty fondly – I also remember when Image started and the odd backlash that Marvel received.  People suddenly blamed Marvel for… who even knows?  For owning characters that were contractually theirs?  I’m not really sure.  IContinue reading “Everything Wrong with 90’s Comics in Two Covers”

Your Mother’s so Fat: A Year’s Worth of Cringe Worthy Hulk Moments -Week 51

There is a lot of banter between heroes as they duke it out.  Usually, though, the jabs between the ever loving blue eyed Thing and the savage Hulk don’t get more than monosyllabic.  This fun exchange in the Fantastic Four: World’s Greatest Magazine #5  has the usually family conscious Thing make an especially low insult.  ItContinue reading “Your Mother’s so Fat: A Year’s Worth of Cringe Worthy Hulk Moments -Week 51”

Civil War 10th Best Movie of the Year?

Entertainment Weekly has given Captain America: Civil War a slot in the top ten best movies of the year.  Actually, they eek it just in at #10.  That’s not too shabby but let’s remember this is also the mag that has continuously praised the Ghostbusters remake no matter how hard audiences reject it.  Still, it’sContinue reading “Civil War 10th Best Movie of the Year?”

Metal Die Cast Hulk (2016)

There are a few of these new metal pieces out there – haven’t seen the smaller of the two but this larger one is very cool.  The detail in the sculpt isn’t as intricate as they make the plastic figures but still decent in their own right.  The stylized large head and small body canContinue reading “Metal Die Cast Hulk (2016)”

The Aftermath Realization: A Year’s Worth of Cringe Worthy Hulk Moments – Week 50

We’ve heard it over and over again from comic enthusiasts – in all the times the Hulk has gone on a rampage he has had to kill innocent people.  Hulk fans will tell you that he hasn’t.  Many writers, including the writers and director of the Avengers movie, claimed that – even the Hulk atContinue reading “The Aftermath Realization: A Year’s Worth of Cringe Worthy Hulk Moments – Week 50”

Ty Hulk (2016)

If you weren’t alive during the Beanie Baby craze you will never understand what it was like to see grown women – and when I say grown women I don’t mean “adult” women – I mean senior citizen women pushing each other aside to get at the tiny pellet-filled new releases.  Women, practically frothing at theContinue reading “Ty Hulk (2016)”

It’s Not a Tumor!: A Year’s Worth of Cringe Worthy Hulk Moments – Week 49

This is easily the most disturbing “cringe-worthy” moment – even if it’s not actually in the actual Marvel continuity.  If there even IS something like that anymore.  This scene, from the Marvel Alterniverse (an answer to DC’s Eleseworlds stories) comes from the sobering and extremely depressing Ruins.  Every hero has a graphic and devastating conclusion.  Surfer,Continue reading “It’s Not a Tumor!: A Year’s Worth of Cringe Worthy Hulk Moments – Week 49”

Hulk Guest Appearances – Volume 12: Black Panther (Volume 2) #15

Hulk’s contribution in this issue is very brief – even though he appears on the cover.  The interaction between the Hulk and Black Panther is so brief – in fact the real hero stopping the Hulk is Queen Divine Justice by basically berating him.  Making the Hulk realize the real enemy isn’t who he thinksContinue reading “Hulk Guest Appearances – Volume 12: Black Panther (Volume 2) #15”