Coca-Cola presents Marvel Origins Hulk Poster (1980)

An entire series of posters were produced by Coca-Cola in the early eighties highlighting the most famous Marvel characters. This 28×22 poster doesn’t just feature kick ass, classic Sal Buscema art but re-tells just how the Hulk came to be! This was another poster that I waited a little longer than maybe I should haveContinue reading “Coca-Cola presents Marvel Origins Hulk Poster (1980)”

Alex Ross Hulk Poster Book (2021)

The Immortal Hulk exceeded all expectations in not only quality of story but also sales! It’s a juggernaut of a storyline and the covers by Alex Ross should be given part credit. His gorgeous paintings have conveyed the action and horror that the series boasts. A few extra bonuses include the cover to Savage HulkContinue reading “Alex Ross Hulk Poster Book (2021)”

Classic Hulk Poster (1985)

From what I could find out about this amazing poster is that there are two versions. The first release was a full Trimpe illustration with a head that looked slightly different. The major difference had the Hulk winking. That was 1978 – but for some reason, in 1985, they re-released this poster, Trimpe illustration andContinue reading “Classic Hulk Poster (1985)”

Maestro: War and Pax Poster (2021)

Thank goodness I snagged this poster and it wasn’t for the other, previous series. War and Pax has continued to be everything you would want in a Maestro mini-series – with 2 issues left I can’t wait to see how it ends! This poster features the amazing art of Dale Keown featured on the veryContinue reading “Maestro: War and Pax Poster (2021)”

Marvel 80th Anniversary Poster (2020)

I won this poster from an online FB auction that takes place Monday Nights. While I think the prices are outrageous at times there are comics that I rarely see in the wild that I am happy to snap up. The other benefit of this auction is that there are random bonuses hidden behind theContinue reading “Marvel 80th Anniversary Poster (2020)”

Alex Ross Lenticular Hulk Card (2019)

Everyone knows that Alex Ross has been killing it lately with the covers to the Immortal Hulk.  This lenticular card showcases an image that reminds me of the variant he did for Savage Hulk #1 in 2014.  The other image is of Bruce Banner – must be f=after work as his tie is sloppily layingContinue reading “Alex Ross Lenticular Hulk Card (2019)”

Marvel Avengers Assemble Poster (2012)

Taken from the Avengers Assemble #2 cover this print is mounted and framed to display gorgeously!  My friend Mike showed up and gifted this piece to me at the last Zapp Comic-Con.  I really enjoyed not only the series from Bendis but the art was fantastic!  Thank you to Gammapup for this show piece!  MyContinue reading “Marvel Avengers Assemble Poster (2012)”

Marvel Fanfare #29 Mini-Canvas (2012)

John Byrne should come back to Marvel to tell more tales!  Let’s put any silly disagreements aside and make some more art!  We need him back in comics!  He obviously has the chops still as we’ve all seen some of his recent commissions.  I also believe that he still has stories to tell!  1999 HulkContinue reading “Marvel Fanfare #29 Mini-Canvas (2012)”

Hulk Face Framed Poster (2018)

The minimalist art on this piece is odd.  The messy hair and gritting teeth obviously show off the anger and wild nature of the Hulk but sometimes the art just doesn’t work.  The reason here is the odd shadows that the hair and teeth cast.  I also wish there was no name on the bottomContinue reading “Hulk Face Framed Poster (2018)”

Light Up Hulk Picture (2018)

As much of a bummer as Toys R Us closing is it was also quite interesting to see all the “augmented” items were brought into the stores.  A lot of Hulk framed pictures including this one that highlights the Hulk’s face and actually lights up!  The light up feature could go very badly wrong butContinue reading “Light Up Hulk Picture (2018)”

Incredible Hulk Laser Print (2003)

Have I ever mentioned that a lot of merchandise came out when the first Hulk movie was released?  The Hulk still hold the record for the most merchandised Marvel movie.  There was THAT much stuff!  Things that I am still finding to this very day… like this piece right here.  A laser print that wasContinue reading “Incredible Hulk Laser Print (2003)”