The Good, The Bland and the Ugly RETRO Comic Reviews – The Incredible Hulk #454 (1997)


Writer: Peter David
Artist: Penciler Adam Kubert
Artist: Inker Mark Farmer
Cover Price: $1.95
Secondary Market: $3.00-$7.00
Variants: 0 No Variant
Publisher: Marvel Comics

With issue #454 the series began a new direction. You see, back in the day – the better times – they wouldn’t just renumber the series to get an artificial bump in sales. The series would roll on, legacy numbering still intact, rewarding the loyal collectors. The biggest deal about this issue is the introduction of a super-star artist coming to the series, Adam Kubert. this dude, and his brother, were always newsworthy when headlining a title but this was especially exciting as Kubert’s style was such a perfect fit for the Hulk’s monstrous look. Kubert’s run was consistent, although, due to the monthly grind, Kubert had to look to his father for a few fill in spots. You can do worse than a legend like Joe Kubert helping you catch up on your artistic duties.

The premiere issue really did set the readers up for the excitement that this part or Peter David’s 12 year stint had coming. Not only did it pair up the frenemies that every fan seems to clamor for, Hulk vs Wolverine, but it also gave a chance for Adam to promote his brother’s new Ka-Zar series launch from the month before.

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Hulk in the Savage Land is such a great idea that not enough writers explored. Hulk vs. dinosaurs has such potential to be a blast to read but writers don’t seem to share my enthusiasm for the idea. Even here, the Hulk’s Savage Land adventure lasted just this one issue. Years later, Jason Aaron and Marc Silvestri would give us a Savage Hulk that had been separated from Banner but let’s not give that bore of a story much more attention. The only thing I will say is that Adam Kubert’s is a far better Hulk artist than Silvestri. Don’t get me wrong, Silvestri is on the top of my list when illustrating a character like Wolverine – but his Hulk was downright too skinny and unimpressive.

The Hulk displayed some of his most monstrous tendencies at the start of this issue. From his nonchalance over eating the heart of the dinosaur he helped kill to feed the Locot Tribe to his enthusiasm in getting involved in the battle against the Nowek tribe. To this day, nothing makes me laugh louder than the moment that The Hulk realizes that his constant battle buddy, Wolverine, brought bone claws to a fight.

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The Hulk has always been a mystery to the other heroes – a loose cannon whose allegiance is never certain – so when facing the beast some take to attacking first, asking questions later. Wolverine takes that route in that issue and it turns out to be a wrong turn. Logan is batted about tossed around but ultimately saved by a rogue dinosaur! The beast chomps down on the jade giant and then tosses him miles away!

The dino turns out to be a blessing in disguise as the two tribes suddenly stop fighting each other and turn their attention to taking down the giant lizard! Thousands of arrows later, the beast falls, the tribes break bread together, celebrating a truce… only – it’s a ruse as one tribe has poisoned the food and the other has poisoned the drink. Alls well that ends well, I suppose.

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Re-reading some of these classic issues really bring me back to a better and exciting time of comic reading. I tell you, the amazing artwork and fun story was just as good as it was back when it was released.

  • Wolverine
  • Ka-Zar
  • Dinosaur
Good/ Bland/ Ugly GOOD

Published by ratchet

I am a man. I like the world I live in. I would like it better if pumpkins were available year-round though...

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