Hulk Diving Stick (2014)

This comes in a 3-pack with Cap and Iron Man – but the little Hulk figure is actually so awesome!  They produced a Hulk in a stance we have never had before but is a very famous Hulk pose – one that is pretty impossible to do with any action figure! Not that it needsContinue reading “Hulk Diving Stick (2014)”

McFarlane Speaks!

I don’t hear McFarlane talk about his days drawing the Hulk – here is a small story he told on Facebook: I told my editor ” The Incredible Hulk should be…um…HULKISH!” It seemed fairly obvious to me. Years ago when I was working/drawing for Marvel Comics, i was given the job of penciling the INCREDIBLE HULK comic. It was reallyContinue reading “McFarlane Speaks!”

Large Hulk Figure (2014)

Obviously, this thing is just a larger version of the dollar store Hulk figure that was released this year.  I do like the idea of these figures – most of the regular lines are geared towards collectors and have adult prices to boot.  I know I have gone on this rant before so I won’tContinue reading “Large Hulk Figure (2014)”

Who wants to Listen to Some Tunes?

You have the chance to have your very own Hulk sound system – or at least one that will sound better than just listening to your phone speaker.  I grew up in the 80’s and 90’s at a time when it was all about bigger was better.  People had these huge sound system set-ups withContinue reading “Who wants to Listen to Some Tunes?”