Jeff Wamester’s Leader Sketch (2009)

Wamester Leader Sketch
Wamester Leader Sketch

This guy exceeds my expectations everytime!  EVERYTIME!  I will probably get a sketch from this guy everytime I go to a convention – because he’s that awesome!  I have 3 Hulk pieces – and each piece was better than the last – so as I knew I heading to the Boston Comic Con, where I first met Wamester, I inquired of he was going to be there.  When he responded that he was I immediately asked for a Leadder sketch this time – I just wanted to see what he could do with the Hulk’s rouge gallery – and as you can see he freakin’ nailed it! 

Leader has been doing ab exercises!
Leader has been doing ab exercises!

I’m hoping to maybe complete a set of Hulk villians before this guy hits it really big and I can’t afford his art anymore.  If there’s another convention in October I’m thinking about Abomination – but I may have to ask for Aquon – because I’m sort of cool like that.  Also – When I was talking to Jeff he told me there is a skull hidden in this sketch, can you find it?  I’ll admit – I had to have him point it out.  Try to find it and I will update this post tomorrow with a scan highlighting the skull.  Jeff told me that this was his favorite convention sktech that he has done.  I almost hate to say it – but I still like my original Hulk better – but I’m a bit biased! 😉

Alright, here it is – the hidden skull – many of you saw it already – but just to clarify:

The Leader in the Temple of Doom!
The Leader in the Temple of Doom!

Published by ratchet

I am a man. I like the world I live in. I would like it better if pumpkins were available year-round though...

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