Wolverine and the X-Men / Deadly Enemies DVD (2009) – The Review

Wolverine and the X-Men: Deadly Enemies
Wolverine and the X-Men: Deadly Enemies

I saw this when it aired on TV – but boy am I glad they brought out this DVD rather then having to buy a WHOLE season just for this episode.  Because I would have!  This episode is pretty freakin’ sweet.  I never try to give away too too much in my reviews so that you still have something to surprise you if you choose to purchase it yourself.  With that being said – you should totally get this!  Not only is the animation pretty solid but the episode itself is not only full of action but also some pretty decent humor.

Hulk vs. Wolverine - no contest!
Hulk vs. Wolverine - no contest!

Alright, this episode begins with SHEILD agents being taken down one by one by a quick moving Wendigo.  Just as the helicopter takes off the Hulk shows up – FADE TO BLACK!  Pretty strong beginning.  Anyways, SHEILD shows up to ask Wolverine to take on the monsters in the Canadian forest.  Wolverine agrees because everything Fury knows about the mutant school and he said he’d let it go public.  It doesn’t take long after Wolverine gets to the forest for the Hulk to find him.  Hulk says he remembers him – and they even flash back to Wolverine in his classic costume – they tangle for a bit, but after Wolverine shoves a hand grenade in the Hulk’s mouth he finally falls. 

There's a quick flashback with Wolvie's first costume!
There's a quick flashback with Wolvie's first costume!

We join Wolverine and Banner in a cave where Banner recounts how he ended up in Canada with SHEILD – how Banner had a cure for the Wendigo but was then thrown out of the plane to become bait.  As Wolverine and Banner set out to find the helicopter they are intercepted by the Wendigo.  They also find out that the Wendigo’s bite has infected others and there is a whole clan of them – where have I heard that before?  Oh that’s right – in Hulk, written by Loeb, the big difference is… Loeb’s story sucked and made no sense because the Wendigo had made their way to Vegas and the Fixit came out for a few panels to fight them.  Here, it makes a lot more sense and is worked in nicely.

The Wendigo!
The Wendigo!

As Wolvie takes on the multiple Wendigos Banner finds the helicopter that has the cure inside.  But it’s in a tree.  High in a tree.  Just as Banner discovers this the main Wendigo comes out of nowhere ready to attack – but Wolverine isn’t far behind.  As Wolverine continues to fight off the fury beasts, Banner makes it into the chopper – only to have another Wendigo jump into the chopper as well, making it crash to the ground.  As the Wendigos get the upper hand on Wolverine, Bruce Hulks out and saves the day.  Hulk throws the Wendigos around like rag dolls and Wolvie takes the opportunity to grab the cure from the chopper and starts to inject each of the monsters.

The Hulk in control!  Where he belongs!
The Hulk in control! Where he belongs!

The best line comes out when Hulk gives his attention to Wolverine again “Hulk is not a behind!” (you have to watch it) – but as the Wendigo all revert back into human form Wolvie notices that all the Wendigo are wearing SHEILD uniforms.  He realizes who the real enemy is.  Hulk grabs Wolverine by the head and is ready to beat him to a pulp when Wolverine apologizes to him.  The Hulk accepts and lets him go.  It’s another classic scene!  Fury comes back and scoffs at Wolverine when confronted with the evidence of his involvement.  But Wolverine has a way to get him back.  Let’s just say – it’s a great ending with the Hulk out on top!

Hulk rages out in the end!
Hulk rages out in the end!

If you have the chance, listen to the commentary.  It’s chock full of interesting tidbits – as well as a very embarrassing moment caught on audio as one of the writes admits to thinking the Wolverine’s first appearance was in TIH #183.  They explain how this is a re-imagining of the classic match-up – which works out well – and my favorite part – the magical clothing.  Really solid episode.  The disc also features 4 other episodes , one including Gambit.  I think it’s worth the pick up – Grade B+

Published by ratchet

I am a man. I like the world I live in. I would like it better if pumpkins were available year-round though...

8 thoughts on “Wolverine and the X-Men / Deadly Enemies DVD (2009) – The Review

  1. Did you ever get the Vol. 1 DVD of the Fantastic Four: World’s Greatest Heroes cartoon that came out 2 years ago? It has Hulk on it.

  2. My only beef with this story was the fact that DeadPool put a grenade in Hulk’s mouth too, in Hulk vs. and Hulk didn’t go down, so that’s more BS to me from that Wolverine episode. I also wasn’t crazy with Hulk’s color either. As for the FF DVD, it’s the 2nd episode and it’s called “Hard Knocks” just like the limted series that came out not to long ago. Kinda unfortunate that we see Hulk guess starting, instead of having a all new animated on going series with the Hulk. Then maybe we can finally see Hulk fight Aquon.

    1. Hulk’s color seemed to change – he wasn’t green he wasn’t grey – he was more an inbetween color – like greenrey. I see what your saying – but for all the liberties that the writers took – I still enjoyed the episode.

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