2011 Boston Comic Con (Part P.S.)

Hulk Plushies

I did get a few extra pieces that I’ll share – just a couple of small things – and the last piece of art I never showed off.  I will start with the Hulk mini-plush.  In the entire con I could only find one Hulk – they had a ton of the other characters – but only one Hulk.  I picked it up – and then picked up another for Lex.

Hulk Pins

I also saw this guy selling a few magnets and pins – I chose a few Hulk magnets 🙂

MM - Avengers 11-20

I did pick up a few very affordable Marvel Masterworks.  They both feature the Hulk in at least one issue:

MM - Amazing Spiderman 11-20

Last but not least – the Matt Fletcher Hulk bust I had done.  This was the last piece that I picked up – and I have to say, Uminga PH was a close second, but this Hulk bust takes the cake!  Next year I will make sure I have the funds to get a full body piece from both Chris and Matt.  Actually, I have an idea – one that I will not disclose here just yet – both Chris and Matt were on board with trying out.  Hoo-Boy – you guys will be in for a treat!  All in all – this year was one of the best Con years ever!

Matt Fletcher Hulk Bust

Published by ratchet

I am a man. I like the world I live in. I would like it better if pumpkins were available year-round though...

3 thoughts on “2011 Boston Comic Con (Part P.S.)

  1. that plush doll are cute…these stand up hair remind me of Sheamus from WWE he had fire red hair all stand up like fire the Hulk plush doll had nearby same hair style as Sheamus LOL

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