Hulk Can Hugger (2011)

Hulk Can Hugger

They are using this image more and more – and it’s a classic image, a classic artist, so I have no complaints… alright, one complaint. It looks as though he’s winking. THAT – or Hulk is having a stroke. On the Hulk hat I bought they made another eye – but with this can hugger (call me crazy, but these things were called can cozies when they first appeared on the market, no? I guess can cozy sounds a little too Un-Hulk like) The best thing is – it seems like the Hulk is reassuring you here. Like he’s saying “Hey bro – no problem – I will keep your canned beverage slightly cooler than it would’ve stayed if you had not wrapped me around it *man-ly wink* Can a real man wink? Well, I guess a real man can do anything he wants. But still, somethings look out of place when they do it – and winking is one of them!

Published by ratchet

I am a man. I like the world I live in. I would like it better if pumpkins were available year-round though...

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