Brent Peebles Planet Hulk Commission (2011)

Peebles PH Commission

I’ve had… OH HEY – HULK #1 COMES OUT TOMORROW – EVERYONE GET IT!  Now back to the post… this guy for a little while now – I really am not looking to get commissions – I am more interested in picking up published art these days.  If I see an artist offering a great deal sometimes I take the plunge.  Brent Peebles was giving a great deal to some of the members on Statue Forum and I jumped in with both feet!  I may start looking into getting different versions of the Hulk but mostly, these days, I am curious to see what people can do with either the Classic or Planet Hulk.  The one thing that grinds my gears is artists who don’t do any research on the character you ask for – I mean, it’s their job, isn’t it?  Well, Peebles obviously did his- because PH has the armor, helmet and the obedience disc – you would NOT believe how many artists forget the disc!

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Published by ratchet

I am a man. I like the world I live in. I would like it better if pumpkins were available year-round though...

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