Incredible Hulk #128 & #131

  I just got these issues in the mail today.  I am awaiting to get issues that I won or ordered through the mail or ebay – when I get them I will have every issue!  I am wiating for 7 more arrive – but today, these beauties came!  Issue #128 has the Avengers, andContinue reading “Incredible Hulk #128 & #131”

“The Hulk” Poster (1966)

  So, apparently, Marvel produced 8 of these posters in the 60’s of every major character.  There are ones of Spiderman and Captain America and Iron Man and Thor and Sub-Mariner and Dr. Strange and the Human Torch – but this has to be the best one – just look at it – it’s the Hulk! Continue reading ““The Hulk” Poster (1966)”