Incredible Hulk Toy Chest (1978)

hulk toychest2 

If you look at the About page you will see a conversation about this very piece – and a man named Phil F. offering to sell it to me.  Well, as you can tell, I decided to buy it.  It’s great, huge and fantastic.  Thank you Phil!  It was sent pretty darn quickly!  I tried a few times to snag this on ebay but was outbid a bunch of times.  Phil gave me the opportunity to own it wihout having to fight anyone else for it.

toy chest part 2

Made by Sun Products in 1978, this is the perfect Hulk piece to hold all of you other Hulk toys.  This thing is so great!  The purple bottom fit in perfectly with the Hulk lore of the 70’s and 80’s.  It is plastic but the head is molded so perfectly – it’s even intimidating to the people who see it!  Look at that sneer!  I reccomend this toy chest to everyone who can find one – everyone who can afford one – this is probably one of my favorite pieces in the whole collection.

Hulk toy chest 3

Published by ratchet

I am a man. I like the world I live in. I would like it better if pumpkins were available year-round though...

54 thoughts on “Incredible Hulk Toy Chest (1978)

  1. The best part of this picture is the Seinfeld Boxed sets in the backround. Oh crap! Did I just say that out loud………………..

  2. I call them as I see ’em. I looked at all of the photos and the only thing even worth commenting on were the Seinfeld DVD’s. Nirvana is one of my favorite bands and Seinfeld is my favorite show. Other than that, this site is meaningless to me………

  3. Pained me to get rid of, as this was a part of my childhood, but I’m glad it went to someone who will appreciate it…Also glad to see it arrived ok.


  4. I have this toy box with half the sticker still on it. I’ve had it all my life and its nice to see people still care about them.

  5. My sister and I used to have this same toy chest. A friend of my dad gave it to us in the early-mid 80s. (I don’t know why he deemed it an appropriate gift for two little girls, but I’m glad he did!) I was just telling some people about it and searched Google for “incredible hulk toy chest green and purple,” and this site came up. It was an exciting and happy blast from the past to see this great toy box again.

  6. I have an “Incredible Hulk” toy chest up for auction/sale. It is the purple base with the green removable top. I did see the one on e-bay that sold for $112.50; item #170233255966.

    Can anyone tell me what they have seen this incredible toy chest going for?

    Thanks to all….Steve

  7. It can go for $50 – $120. I know that might seem like a huge difference but thus the unpredictability of ebay…

    Good Luck.

  8. Thank you ratchet. Do you know if James (the one that posted on your website asking how much he should pay for one if he gets the opportunity to purchase one) may want to purchase it; or anyone else that you know? Thanks for your reply, Steve

  9. my friend just gave me this he had it at a garage sale for 15 dollars and nobody wanted it. I will treasure it forever and then sell it in like twenty years for a million dollars. score for me. I feel bad for the moron who paid 112.oo for it

  10. I don’t think the guy was a moron. These were going for over $100.00 for a while. But it all has to do with the condition of the toy chest. Scratches, the sticker, the color – it all can determine just how much the chest is worth. That combined with the fact that these rarely show up on ebay.

    Good score for you – I don’t know if you’ll ever the million dollars you’re looking for – but it’s a great piece for sure 🙂

  11. Hello all, my wife is making me get rid of mine(hulk toy chest) I wil gladly send pictures to anyone who may want to see it. She has given me two weeks to get it out of the house along with a large Emiglio Robot. Not sure if I have too many toys or kids…..decisions.


  12. Good Luck Randy – anyone interested in his Hulk Toy Chest – email him. Personally, I love mine – it’s a must have for any Hulk collector!

  13. hey all, just wanted to let you know that pictures of my HULK toy chest is now on Ebay. I put it on with a very high price just see what was out there. I actually do not plan on selling it through Ebay but am taking offers. I still have a few days before the wife throws it out. The one biggest stipulation is that it must go to a good home. I have had many toys and collectibles in my time and this is one of my favorites.

    Thanks all for your help,

    PS. I am a huge collector of vintage video games and as a collector would love to trade this off for older video games instead of selling it. I collect 1 of every item and then trade/sell any doubles so I can afford to get more stuff.

    Randy EBAY ID undisclosed-locations

  14. Dave (JG)- Thanks for your purchase of the toy box. Please let everyone know how you like it. I already miss it.

    Thanks all for your help and let me know if anyone has any old video games-sega, nintindo, atari, Tandy

    Thanks Again,

    1. I’m thinking of selling my toy chest. What do
      You think I could get. Still haves the sticker in front with the sun products also? Thanks

  15. Wow – Ben that is a nice find! And look at that – the plastic bastard has his eyes! Now THAT is a rare find!

  16. Hi, I just got one at a flea market and would like to sell it. The purple pants has a small tear. I can send pictures to anyinterested person. I loved the Hulk (still do) but if the price is right, he can catch a truck to your house!

  17. Hello Ratchet,
    I visited you website several months ago and enjoyed reading the posts.
    If you will allow me to post this on your site, I would like to offer my Incredible Hulk toybox just like the one above. It is in very good condition and I am asking $70.
    If this is not the proper procedure, please let me know.
    Thanks so much……Steve

  18. Hello. I just thought I’d throw this out here. I have one of these on EBAY right now (WITH BOTH STICKERS!!) Happy bidding!

  19. Hey everyone I am looking for one of these toy chest for my son. I had one when I was a kid and would really like to find one in good condition. Please reach out to me at the email I live in Oklahoma and would pay for shipping. Thank you all and Love the site ratchet I grew up with Hulk and wish I would have saved all my stuff… I even had hulk swimtrunks back in early eighties….lol

  20. I am still looking for this toy chest. I may have already e-mailed you years ago but in case I didn’t, do you still have this item for sale?

    1. Sorry…..I sold it several months ago to a gentleman that wanted to share the hulk era with his son. Good luck!

  21. First off, i really enjoy your vintage section. I just wanted to comment on this piece specifically. While the hulk chest may have been manufactured in 1978 i have one with a 1979 copyright on the sticker. Looking forward to more of your stuff.

    1. That’s interesting – I have not ever seen one with the sticker still intact – thanks for the info

  22. I also had this same toy box. And is currently looking for one to buy myself. If anyone has one I would definately be interested, or if someone knows anywhere I can find one I would appreciate it…

  23. Hi Ratchet!!! This Mike Blandino, from Miami Fl. I love your website and I’m a huge Hulk collector since I was a little boy! I have a hulk 1979 Toy Chest with the labels in very well
    condition! It also has the hulk’s teeth but dont have the eyes! Can you please email me where i can find the labels stickers in Mint Condition! Does Sun Products still exists! Thank you,
    Mike Blandino Check me out on Facebook!

  24. The reserve was 150.00 and has already been met. $ days left in the auction and it just went up late last night. I have a fellow ebayer and avid collector messaged me saying he has seen many go up for sale but none this spectacular. lol I think it will be fun to see just how high this may go! Not to be greedy but just the actual beauty in it all.

  25. Like I said – love the sticker on the front – it’s rare to find one in tact the way that one is. Good luck!

  26. Awesome to see others have a Hulk toybox! I still have mine from my childhood. I keep junk in it in the basement, lol!

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