Classic Marvel Team Ups and Battles (2006)

Classic Battles and Team Ups

Hulk is the only one in the Marvel universe who could go toe to toe with  a GOD!  Chalk that up to another thing that Hulk and Buffy Summers have in common.  Even Thor has a hard time taking the Hulk down.  Of course this toy really doesn’t show anything like that.  When you press the metal things at the bottom the two metal characters swing side to side at each other.  Looks more like they are dancing then fighting.  Heck, Hulk could out-dance Thor too!

Published by ratchet

I am a man. I like the world I live in. I would like it better if pumpkins were available year-round though...

2 thoughts on “Classic Marvel Team Ups and Battles (2006)

  1. Hulk:”Put your hands in floor stupid Thor!”
    Thor: “What In the Name of Odin are you doing?!”
    Hulk: “We’re having a dance-off you bozo!”
    Thor:”Oh….. well then, LET THE DANCING BEGIN!!!”
    Hulk:”bet you can’t do THIS!!” *jumps into the air doing a 20-times back-flip lands on feetand hand through a tree* “Beat that!!”
    will post rest later
    P.S. you might like the link…

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