Savage Hulk (1996)

I know this Hulk says “Transforming Action” on the bottom, but I don’t know what kind of “Action” it is.  See, the really ugly Hulk is hollow and the little Bruce Banner slips into a slit in ugly Hulks back and TA-DAH!  Transforming Action!  Made for the UPN cartoon – this is the ugliest figure.  ItContinue reading “Savage Hulk (1996)”

Steel Body Trap Playset (1996)

This is one of the play-sets I have – the other – the better – I will post later.  This steel body trap places Hulk into an inescapable… wait, is that a cushion around his head?  How is this God-Awful trap holding anything?  I wouldn’t trust it to hold a raccoon.  Because raccoons are crafty!  WatchContinue reading “Steel Body Trap Playset (1996)”