Mighty Battlers Hulk (2012)

So far we have been given a whole lot of “ehh” as Hulk figures keep hitting the shelves.  This will be the year that the Hulk may be known as “soft”.  He has got to start hitting the gym again!  He’s practically doughy!  Listen, somehow it actually does make a bit of sense that theContinue reading “Mighty Battlers Hulk (2012)”

Whedon.. on the Hulk

The pic above has a link to a quick article about Whedon and Ruffalo’s talk about who the Hulk should be in the upcoming Avengers movie.  He said he wanted to style it after Bixby from the 70’s TV show (like Norton did) except that he thinks this is an original idea (but it’s not because Norton already saidContinue reading “Whedon.. on the Hulk”

Gamma Strike Hulk (2012)

Boy, my TRU is just filling up with Avengers stuff!  While I picked up the figure and Minni Muggs last week, I walked into my TRU today and they had this big guy!  Well, “big” may not be the right word.  He’s certainly bigger than the regular figures but it’s much smaller than the 12″ roto-cast toys we hadContinue reading “Gamma Strike Hulk (2012)”

Hulk/Avengers Mini-Muggs

For some reason – maybe I just wasn’t paying attention – but I thought we were getting full sized Muggs again.  So I was a little disappointed when I saw what we were actually getting.  That being said – I had to change my perspective and review what we have rather than what I thought IContinue reading “Hulk/Avengers Mini-Muggs”

Gamma Smash Hulk (2012)

The Avengers toys are now hitting the shelves!  I was lucky enough to walk into my local TRU and pick up a few figures – all Hulk related.  The original figures I saw only had Iron Man and Cap – and those figures were all on vehicles – but the stand alone figures are nowContinue reading “Gamma Smash Hulk (2012)”

Incredible Hulk #5 (2012) – The Review

I’m back!  Wait till you see what I got for the Hulk room!  But I have a ton of stuff to post this week – with Avengers toys hitting the shops – reviews to catch up on and a few new ebay purchases!  It is only February and I think I have already made aContinue reading “Incredible Hulk #5 (2012) – The Review”

Marvel Legends Returns! Constrictor (2012)

You can say I am lucky – you can say I have a real knack for finding newly released figures – either way I was more than ecstatic to find the new line of ML at a local TRU today!  No one was more surprised than me to see the pegs filled with these figures!  ThorContinue reading “Marvel Legends Returns! Constrictor (2012)”

The Incredible Hulk #4 (2012) – The Review

And here I thought we were going to get something to look forward to… does that statement let you know where this review is going?  Let’s get started. Story: Aaron is heading somewhere – I am sure of it – will it be a fantastic reveal?  Maybe – but most of the fun of aContinue reading “The Incredible Hulk #4 (2012) – The Review”

Hulk #47 (2012) – The Review

Hulk #47 Joey Q came up with a very interesting idea.  Ross, who hates and has hunted the Hulk his whole life, becomes the Hulk himself.  Brilliant!  The execution needed to be handled by someone who knew and cared about the history, respected the character and writes for the love of telling a classic, fantasticContinue reading “Hulk #47 (2012) – The Review”